We work closely with parents, carers, and other stakeholders to ensure that students’ targets and outcomes are met. Before all students start college, we ensure they have time to transition from school or other providers and complete a statement of need and baseline assessment.
Parent/ carer contact is crucial, and we ensure through various methods that parents are informed of progress through telephone calls, half termly reports and regular information.
We also work closely with local authorities to ensure that Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) procedures are followed, and all appropriate parties are invited to EHCP annual reviews for input and contribution.
We use this area to keep important documents and links that parents and carers may find useful.
Pastoral Support
Pupils are supported through the allocation of a Personal Tutor/Key Worker.
This involves regular 1:1 meetings to review and record academic progress and attitudes toward behaviour and attendance. The school provide individual support and play a pivotal role in ensuring any barriers to learning are addressed so that pupils make the most of their time at Crookhey Hall School. They liaise closely with the Senior Leadership Team, Teachers and Home School Liaison Officer.
The school recognises that pastoral care is a joint responsibility and that the emotional difficulties experienced by many of our students means that they will often seek out a member of staff other than their designated key worker. There is an expectation that all staff accept this role and are ready to respond appropriately.
The school is embarking on a peer mentoring programme. The aim is to recognise and enhance the role of senior students in providing pastoral guidance to younger students and those with additional and challenging needs. The school is confident that, in time, it will be able to offer accreditation for those students who show an aptitude for peer mentoring. In the long term students who were the subject of such mentoring could, themselves, become mentors thus completing a positive circle of support.