Crookhey Hall School is an Independent school for pupils from ages 10 – 17 with special educational needs. All pupils admitted to Crookhey Hall School will have been initially referred by their Local Authority.
The School welcomes enquiries and visits from parents. A significant aspect of the referral process is to ascertain that the school can address the Outcomes as described in Section E of the EHCP. This may relate to all four areas of need:
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Sensory and/or Physical
In doing so, this should be without negatively impacting upon the efficient education for others.
The school has a dedicated member of staff who is responsible for overseeing the referral process. It is through this staff member that visits are coordinated, information is gathered and arrangements for admission are undertaken.
An admission will only be undertaken when the approval for funding is granted by the appropriate person who holds this authority, within the funding LA.
The school applies the statutory reviewing process (for EHCPs, as set out within the SEND code of practice) and will use this to inform the funding authority of any changes to provision. These changes can relate to the provision provided by Crookhey Hall school and/or identify the type of provision that would better meet need.
Sam Lea is responsible for ensuring that the school only admits pupils who’s Special Educational Needs can be met. To summarise, in all cases, pupils will only be considered for admission if:
- They have a current EHCP;
- Funding has been formally agreed with the respective Local Authority and an Individual Placement Agreement has been completed and signed by relevant parties;
- The special needs of the pupil, can be met by the school;
- The provision, described in Section F of the EHCP, is such as can be met by the school;
- All up to date information concerning the pupil, including the most recent reviews, reports and the EHCP will be provided by the funding authority;
- There is a place available in the appropriate class / year group;
- It is compatible with the provision of efficient education for others;
- The child / young person’s attendance does not jeopardise the safety of others.